Faatiha Aayat Addressing at Silver Jubilee of @BRACWorld


Protest Islamophobia of France |Share my voice for love...

To #ProtestAgainstFrance, raise your voice with me by sharing this speech for the cause...

My Speech about Women & Climate


7 years old Bangladeshi Girl at UN


Faatiha Aayat 7 years old Bangladeshi Girl at...


Hello, I am Faatiha Aayat !

I am a child rights and Climate activist. UN,Harvard,TEDx Speaker and US Presitend's Educatuon Award Winner. I am the founder of the organization named CHIL&D where I am working for Climate, Health, Information, Learning and Development.

Interview with Faatiha

Cultural Activities

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Faatiha Aayat Speaking at UNICEF USA GALA 2022


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